Friday, November 06, 2009

Pals in Turkey

Potato Pals have quite a following in Turkey. Two years ago we got a great picture of a teacher who had made Potato Pals that grew grassy hair. In the past week we have been in touch with two other teachers from Turkey via Twitter, Ms. Esra (@ekamin) who has a blog as well as some great artists in her class.
Another teacher who is using Potato Pals is Ms. Ozge, (@ozge)who has a huge amount of really creative stuff online including this wonderful version of In the Morning made with photos of her students. Thanks to both of you for your support. I pinched this cute picture off Ozge's blog because I think that's one big red Potato Pal in the middle row.


Anonymous said...

Potato Pals are one of the best books I've ever taught to my kids!They really enjoy listening to the songs,playing with the characters and reading the books. I also, as a teacher, have great fun with all the activities you've provided! You are such a smart and an inspiring teacher,Patrick!!
Thank you =)

Anonymous said...

Dear Patrick,
I really appreciate "Potato Pals"! They are simple and also efficient especially when you teach very young ones. I must tell you that every book and song is so exciting for the kids. We may start a "Potato Pals Club" soon :) Thanks:)

Esra (@ekamin)